OVTPA Mission
The Ottawa Valley Team Penning Association (OVTPA) has been established to promote and develop the sport of Team Cattle Penning.
In accordance with the mission, the OVTPA seek to classify penners according to ability and to establish rules to create a common approach to the sport and maximize participation and competition.
The OVTPA supports the view that team penning is a sport for young and old, male and female, families and individuals, and in the regard, seeks to promote a high standard of personal conduct and good sportsmanship.
The OVTPA brings Team Cattle Penners together in the spirit of fun and competition, and this is of primary importance in this mission.
ARTICLE I- General and Definitions
Section 1
The Club shall be known as the Ottawa Valley Team Penning Association, also known as the OVTPA throughout this document, and shall function within the Rules & Regulations of the Ottawa Valley Team Penning Association.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be adhered to for conduction all meeting of the OVTPA.
Section 2
The purpose of the OVTPA is to encourage the development of penners, welcome and encourage new penners through the promotional and sponsorship of Team Penning Contests in conjunction with Livestock Exhibitions. The OVTPA will also endeavor the foster better horsemanship among its members and to maintain the highest standard of sportsmanship at all events with which it is associated.
Section 3
The home base of OVTPA shall be situated in the Eastern Ontario. The Head Office of the OVTPA shall be situated at the residence of the Secretary/Treasurer which shall be in the Province of Ontario.
Section 4
The OVTPA shall be a not for profit organization in which there will be no capital stock. In lieu of stock certificates, membership cards shall be issued to each member on an annual basis. Said membership cards will be signed by the Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 5
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the membership of OVTPA shall be held no later than December 31 of each year at a time and place designated by the OVTPA Executive. The purpose of the AGM is to elect Directors, approving the actions of the OVTPA Executive for the year ending and to consider any Constitutional amendment or other new business that may properly come before the meeting.
The order of business at all meeting shall be:
(1) Meeting called to order
(2) Roll call
(3) Reading and disposal of Minutes
(4) Report of Officers and Committees
(5) Unfinished business
(6) New business
(7) Election (if any)
(8) Adjournment
Section 6
The AGM of the Board of Directions of the OVTPA shall be held immediately prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Club.
Section 7
To hold office in OVTPA a person must be a member in good standing of the OVTPA and hold a current membership. A member, to be considered in good standing with OVTPA, shall hold a current membership as of July 1st each year.
Individual members in good standing to cast a vote at the Annual General Meeting.
Each member in good standing in attendance shall be entitles to one vote. There shall be no proxy votes. A majority of those in attendance will decide all motions.
Members must be 18 years of age or older and permanent resident of Canada to vote at the Annual General Meeting. There shall be no more than 2 votes per family membership.
For the purpose of electing the Board of Directors, an absentee ballot may be obtained by a member in good standing upon request. Said absentee ballot must be returned to the Secretary-Treasurer, post marked not later than ten days before the Annual General Meeting.
Section 1
OVTPA Executive: refers to the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and elected Directors
OVTPA Officers: refers to the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer
OVTPA Board of Directors: refers to those members who have been elected by the memberships at the AGM.
Section 2
The executive of the OVTPA shall consist of not less than four (4) and not more than five (5) elected Directors. If more than 8 nominees step forward to fill the positions (3 officers and 5 directors) there will be a closed ballet vote at the AGM.
The Officers of the OVTPA shall be a President and Vice-President, and a Secretary/Treasurer, all three elected by the Board of Directors to continue for another term.
All OVTPA directors shall hold office for a period of one year unless re-elected at the AGM.
All members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by the membership.
All members of the Board of Directors must be members in good standing and shall buy a membership after being elected.
Family members, residing in the same dwelling, shall only have one vote between them. No more than two family members on the Board of Director at any time.
Roles and Responsibilities
Section 3
1. Presides over all meetings
2. Calls special meetings
3. Carries out the provisions of the constitution and rules
4. Appoint committees and chairpersons
5. Responsible for public relations
6. Responsible for membership relations
7. Distributes meeting agendas
8. Conduct, supervise, count and record all balloting of all elections
Section 4
1. Assumes duties of President in their absences
2. Preforms duties requested by the President.
3. Interprets and enforces the Constitution
4. Becomes interim President if for any reason the President cannot continue prior to the Annual General Meeting.
Section 5
Treasurer/Secretary (Can be separated if directors wish)
1. Handles funds and finances for the OVTPA
2. Keeps financial records
3. Collects membership fees
4. Pays bills and releases funds as per (a) general membership, (b) executive
5. Produces a monthly financial report and a financial address at the Annual General Meeting.
1. Record and keeps accurate minutes of all meeting
2. Acts as a correspondence clerk
3. Issues all notices or call to the directors and members
4. Keep the membership roll
5. Issues all membership cards
6. Perform such other and further duties as usually pertain to this office, including those especially assigned to him/her from time to time by the OVTPA Executive.
Section 6
1. To formulate policies between general meeting and in emergencies, subject to approval by the membership.
2. To execute policies as determined by the general membership.
3. To govern joint ventured activities.
4. To compile agenda items for general meeting.
5. Shall be responsible for carrying out duties as requested or required by the OVTPA Executive.
Section 7
1. All elected officers and directors may be subjected to impeachment and removal by a two-thirds majority vote of the total membership.
2. Grounds for impeachment of officers or directors are negligence, non-disclosure of conflict of interest and any form of misconduct which is damaging to the OVTPA.
3. Officers and directors may be impeached/removed only under the following conditions:
· There must be a quorum (50% plus 1) of the membership present during impeachment/removal proceedings two-thirds of the membership must vote in favor.
· Prior to impeachment/removal there must be a meeting where the member or organization representative may defend their actions.
4. Any Officer or Director may resign from his/her office by tendering his/her written resignation to the Secretary/Treasurer.
5. Any Officer or Director may be asked to resign from the office he/she hold for conduct detrimental to the best interest of OVTPA, or for failing to attend three meeting un-excused, by two-thirds of the balance of the OVTPA Executive.
Section 1
A member shall be considered in good standing with OVTPA shall hold a current membership as of July 1st each year.
Section 2
All members must take reasonable action to hold harmless the OVTPA Executive from legal liability whatsoever caused.
Section 3
All members must uphold the OVTPA Constitution and abide by the Code of Conduct as set out in the OVTPA Rules.
Section 4
A member may have their membership revoked by two-thirds of the OVTPA Executive.
Section 5
A member may resign from OVTPA by tendering his/her written resignation to the Secretary/Treasurer of the OVTPA together with his/her current membership card.
Section 6
A member may be suspended from the OVTPA for conduct detrimental to the best interest of the OVTPA by two-thirds of the OVTPA Executive.
Section 1
All complaints against an OVTPA member must be brought to the attention of the OVTPA Executive without delay.
Section 2
On receipt of a complaint against a member, the OVTPA Executive shall approach the Disciplinary Committee consisting of 3 members; 2 from the Board of Directors and 1 from the membership. Their duty is to hear the complaint and to make recommendations of a course of action to be taken by the OVTPA Executive within 30 days of the complaint.
Section 3
The OVTPA Executive shall have the power to dismiss the complaint, to warn, to reprimand, or to act upon the recommendation of the majority of the Discipline committee or to expel the defendant from the membership.
Section 4
A member may be suspended from the OVTPA for conduct detrimental to the best interest of the OVTPA by two-thirds vote of the OVTPA Executive.
Section 1
Any individual, firm or organization who is interested the cow/horse competition may become a member of the OVTPA. Each full member shall be entitled to one vote. The membership fee may be set, from time to time by the Board of Directors.
Section 2
All membership fees shall be paid to the Secretary/Treasurer by July 1st of each year. Members failing to pay their annual dues by July 1 shall be considered delinquent and will forfeit all the rights and privileges of membership.
Section 1
The Rules and Regulations of the OVTPA may be repealed, modified, or amended and may be adopted at any regular meeting of the members of the club or at any meeting of the members of the OVTPA if due notice has been given, that this will be part of the order of business.
Section 1
Each officer, director and committee member of the OVTPA shall be indemnified by the OVTPA against all cost, expenses and liabilities reasonably incurred by him/her in connection with or resulting from any action, suit or proceeding to which he/she may be made party by reason of his/her being or having been a director, officer or committee member of the Club except in relation to matters which shall have been occasioned by the willful misconduct or dishonesty of such officer, director or committee member.
Legal documents may be certified on behalf of the OVTPA by the President and Secretary/Treasurer or one of them and such other person as may be specifically authorized by the Board of Directors for that purpose.
The Board of Directors will appoint two directors to have signing authority for the club, which will be required to sign each document. These two Directors shall not be members of the same household.
Section 1
No OVTPA officer, OVTPA member or Member Organization has the right to incur any debt or become involved in any business under the title or by implying the title or act on behalf of the title or represent the title or assume the leadership of the title OVTPA in any way unless given full authority to do so by the OVTPA.
Section 1
Upon dissolution of OVTPA, the OVTPA Executive shall advertise in a public auction of all assets of the Club and the moneys received will be donated to a Charity of which the membership of the last year will vote on.